Okay so to start out this blog wendy assigned for us to write out our manifesto. When i looked up the definition to a manifesto i found five different definitions.
1. a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.
2. A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
3. 1644, from It. manifesto "public declaration explaining past actions and announcing the motive for forthcoming ones," originally "proof,"
4. a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)
5. a public usually written announcement of policies and intentions, especially by a political party
so looking at these definitions i quickly realized i am not a government or a political party so i decided that i could have some fun and just started writting something that told a little about myself and a couple of things i want people to know. furthermore when i went to wrtie my maifesot i thought about more than what the definition of it was. i thought about the communist manieftos, by marx and engles. what they wanted the readers to know was basically how to live as a communist. so when i wrote my manifesto i thought about what i would want people to know to live like me. so heres what came of it.
I am the product of a Mexican father and a Canadian mother, so in all sense of the world I am one of the few who can call themselves a Canexican. Which makes me a true identity crisis, the question I have asked myself since birth has been, who am I? What am I? Jokes have been made and tears have been shed. But after a long look in the mirror I saw a deep reflection of my inner soul and realized I am the true North American. That’s right be jealous.
I am also the product of a family who loves me. Most importantly a grandmother who raised me from the time I was born to the day I left for college. A truly remarkable woman who was born in Newfoundland before it was even part of Canada. Also a mother who would go to the end of the earth to make sure that I am happy. These two women along with countless friends have helped shape my life, who I am, and what I stand for.
Speaking of friends, my friends mean the world to me and, I consider them to be like family. To me a friend is a person who I have a connection with that goes beyond simply being acquaintances. It does not matter how long we have known each other, what matters is how well we connect, and how much I trust you.
Trust is another key component to understanding who I am. I am very trustworthy, and would never do anything to ruin that. However I do not always keep secretes. If something you tell me puts a person or yourself in danger I will most definitely make sure that you are saved from danger.
I believe in a plethora of things which usually do not make sense to anybody but me. However, I will try to word these beliefs in a way that you all will be able to understand.
· I believe that theatre is the purest form of art. I believe this because art to me is something that imitates life, and unlike visual art or writing, theatre imitates life with life.
· When it comes to God, I cannot tell you exactly what I believe because I do not even know exactly what I believe. What I do know is that, there is a God, and there is an afterlife, but aside from that I am still searching for what I believe.
· I believe in the saying work hard play hard. I am an incredibly hard working person I am truly always on the go. Whether it be rehearsals, school, or did I mention rehearsal, I am always busy and I love that. On the other hand, when it comes down to it I know how to have fun and probably have a little too much fun sometimes.
· I believe that first impressions are very important; I feel that the way a person dresses and caries themselves say a lot about them. I am not saying to make a complete evaluation of a person based of what they look like. But those few seconds when you first meet a person is a very important moment and they way you act during that moment is probably what the other person will base his or her opinion of you off of.
1. All things must be fabulous
2. All things must be over the top
3. All things must be extravagant
4. All things happen for a reason
5. Live like your dying
6. Don’t regret anything
7. Admit when you are wrong
8. Apologize a lot
2. All things must be over the top
3. All things must be extravagant
4. All things happen for a reason
5. Live like your dying
6. Don’t regret anything
7. Admit when you are wrong
8. Apologize a lot
I live my life by three doctrines that any kindergarten class exalts:
The Golden Rule
Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. There's so much more to this than not hitting the kid who beat you in hopscotch. It's putting yourself in another person's shoes. It's learning to consider the feelings of another, and not acting out of selfishness. It's the recognition of another life, and the fact that we cannot always have what we want; sometimes we have to give in, for the sake of preserving harmony.
Once again, others must be taken into consideration. There's a process to go through if there is something you want. You wait your turn, and you honor the turns of others. In other words, we cannot force ourselves into situations in which we don't belong. We also cannot exhaust a 'turn,' cannot tire of a toy, and then immediately decide to reclaim it once another child shows interest. There's an order to things that must be honored.
If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Don't Say Anything at All
This is the big one I think. It's the hardest to abide by. It's impulse to speak out, to give your opinion. If something is contrary to what you believe, it seems right to criticize. There seems to be so little to say about this one, because it is so fundamental. But, as I said, it's the most difficult one to finally grasp. In a lot of ways it encompasses the previous two doctrines, in the sense that the lives of others must be taken into consideration. Words go a long way, whether it's gossip, an honest expression of opinion, or a confession of one's own feelings. Sometimes these things are unwelcomed, and it's our place as individuals to take it upon ourselves to consider others, and to refrain from expressing certain thoughts if they'll hurt another.
Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. There's so much more to this than not hitting the kid who beat you in hopscotch. It's putting yourself in another person's shoes. It's learning to consider the feelings of another, and not acting out of selfishness. It's the recognition of another life, and the fact that we cannot always have what we want; sometimes we have to give in, for the sake of preserving harmony.
Once again, others must be taken into consideration. There's a process to go through if there is something you want. You wait your turn, and you honor the turns of others. In other words, we cannot force ourselves into situations in which we don't belong. We also cannot exhaust a 'turn,' cannot tire of a toy, and then immediately decide to reclaim it once another child shows interest. There's an order to things that must be honored.
If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Don't Say Anything at All
This is the big one I think. It's the hardest to abide by. It's impulse to speak out, to give your opinion. If something is contrary to what you believe, it seems right to criticize. There seems to be so little to say about this one, because it is so fundamental. But, as I said, it's the most difficult one to finally grasp. In a lot of ways it encompasses the previous two doctrines, in the sense that the lives of others must be taken into consideration. Words go a long way, whether it's gossip, an honest expression of opinion, or a confession of one's own feelings. Sometimes these things are unwelcomed, and it's our place as individuals to take it upon ourselves to consider others, and to refrain from expressing certain thoughts if they'll hurt another.
Peace Love and Daniel